A Holistic Personalized Approach to Health

The Bridge from Traditional Medicine to the Conventional Health Care and Beyond

Our clinic believes in addressing the root of an illness, and treating the whole person, with traditional methods and natural remedies using novel diagnostic tools and the latest available evidence.

Our services


Make it happen!

Maybe you want to improve your health or relieve some symptoms. Maybe you want to turn everyday habits to something healthier. Whatever it is, we are happy that you decided to take care of yourself, and we want you to know that even in genetical disorders, your decision to change things can make a difference.

Our services:

Conditions that benefit from integrative medicine

Start your health journey today!

Send us your request to have an appointment, and we will contact you



Meet the doctor (15 minutes) - Free

Initial naturopathic visit - $220

60 Minute Follow-up - $170

45 Minute Follow-up - $130

30 Minute Follow-up - $90

Acupuncture (30 minutes) - $70**

Acupuncture (45 minutes) - $105**

Acupuncture (60 minutes) - $140**

Scalp Acupuncture (45 minutes) - $150**

Cosmetic Acupuncture (60 minutes) - $160**

Full checkup physical exam (60 minutes) - $140**

Vitamin (B12 or D) Injection (For current patients) - $20**

Lab Testing - Varies by tests ordered (please enquire)

*Please contact us if you need our services but the prices do not match your current financial situation

**Please note that currently, only virtual appointments/services are available

***Please note that there is a charge of 50 $ for no-shows or last-minute cancellations.